It’s been some of the best times to be a part of the visual department of Pickleville for over 21 years. Bodie currently works full time at Bodwa Productions, his own graphic/web/video/etc. which he started 25 years ago. Every day is an exciting day! Bodie is happily married to his sweet, bubbly wife Kathryn and currently lives in Cedar City, UT. He is the father of 3 fantastic and energetic kids, and has the privilege of being a bonus dad to two more! He enjoys going to Disneyland or on a cruise with his family, or a solving any fun, creative escape room they can find! If someone forces him, he will eat an occasional maple bar or 3. He loves all things Zelda related, especially the epic music soundtracks from the last 7 years.
I'm luck to keep working with TJ and the creative clan that surrounds him. They produce great things and are all-around great folks. Thank you for my family for letting me drive to Logan multiple times from Cedar City to keep helping out with all these creative projects.
I can’t touch my shoulder with my fingers of the same side of arm. I usually tell people it’s because of my muscles... Oh, and I STILL enjoy Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. This is the way.
Sheriff Rusty Staples in Finding the Fickle Fortune (Pickleville Playhouse)
Rawhide & Deputy Dill in Tied to the Tracks (Pickleville Playhouse)
Alfred P. Doolittle in My Fair Lady
Nicely- Nicely Johnson in Guys and Dolls